The Touring Toddler x Big Kids: Just Float

Being on the road for a month and a half involves a lot of stimulation. We got back from tour last week, and decided we needed something that required ultimate relaxation. I had been hearing so many good things about Just Float, so this was at the top of my list. From the moment we stepped into the spa we were immediately relaxed, and were taken to our separate float rooms. The room consists of a shower and a door to the water room, with tranquil music playing, robes, ear plugs, and other necessities provided. Once you shower, you go into the water room, which plays music for 5 minutes and then the room becomes dark and quiet for an hour. Recently, I’ve been getting really claustrophobic, so the pitch black room and closed door definitely made me nervous, but once I entered the room all those anxieties went away. I only felt confined for a few seconds, and then once I relaxed it was an amazing experience. Your body releases all tension and the hour actually goes by pretty quickly. We felt so revived from our float experience and can’t wait to come back. Check out a video of our experience below!


Thank you Just Float! Book your float here.